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TecnoFerrari Group gets ISO 9001 certification

TecnoFerrari, in the renewal project underway in recent years, has obtained international recognition related to the quality of products and services: the ISO 9001 Certification.

The customer and his satisfaction are always in the first place for our company: in fact, every activity, application and monitoring of activities/processes is aimed at determining maximum satisfaction for our customer and this was the starting point to participate in the certification process.

The current president, Mrs. Donatella Ferrari, comments, "Obtaining ISO 9001 certification is a great recognition for any company and we are, of course, honored to have obtained it. We are working hard and on various fronts to ensure ever higher quality standards and to strengthen the bond of trust that already exists with our customers, suppliers and employees."

In order to improve and consolidate its activities, the company decided to adopt a Quality Management System in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, committing to ensure its implementation, operation and continuous improvement, prevent and mitigate risks inherent in the operating environment, set goals and programs for Quality, and meet customer needs.

We believe that in order to pursue commitments and objectives, it is essential to invest in people-to-people collaboration and in communicating and establishing a quality management system in line with the guiding principles that have always set us apart.


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